
 This is an excerpt from a daily devotion from called Girlfriends In God. This particular posting is from June 26, 2013 and written by Mary Southerland. I highly recommend this devotion for women of all ages who are seeking Christian spiritual guidance. 

However, I believe this excerpt is a important lesson for everyone. I'm not going to lie, lately I've been feeling discouraged in this job search. Although I seem to be finding better job postings everyday and my cover letter writing skills are wonderful, I'm not getting the response I want. I've went on several interviews, yet the right position hasn't came my way. I recognize that I want the right job not just any job. By that I mean, I truly believe that there's a position that God has chosen for me. That position will lead me to my future career, provide me with the finances I need, and develop me. Everyone has a position that is the perfect fit for them. Now perfect doesn't necessarily mean comfortable. It may not be excellent money or glamorous, but its right for you right now. 

As the bills come rolling in for my enriching, yet highly expensive liberal arts education, it's easy to lose hope. I began to lose confidence in my skills and lost faith that a position that will provide would appear. I began to stress as my anxiety about the future built. What I was failing to see was the beauty in waiting or as referred to above: rest. 

If you haven't read the excerpt in the photo already, READ NOW! :) 

The writer uses a story from her childhood about learning to play the piano. Long story short, she wanted to jump to playing and skip all the preparation. Her piano teacher was trying to instill the basics in her: the notes. She was completely uninterested until her piano teacher came to the most important concept in music, a rest. This was so profound to me. The most important step is rest. 

Without rest, we won't be prepared for what God has for us in the future. Rest means preparation, growth, restoration, and dependence. You must prepare for everything you do in life. We can't skip to being CEOs and millionaires without networking and hard work. This is what this time is for. It's important to have a pause where you grow and evaluate. When I get a full time position, I won't be able to sleep all day or paint my nails fun colors or wholeheartedly pursue getting my license. Recognize that just because you haven't found your dream job, doesn't mean that there's not work to be done. What should you be doing today that you haven't done? Do you need to simply rest and take a minute away from your busy schedule? What can you achieve now that cannot be done later? 

Secondly, there's the dependency portion. My mom always used to tell me to pray before the test the following prayer: 
Lord, I did my part by studying now do your part
If you prepare, God will do the rest. It's one part preparation, one part dependence. You have to be confident in not only your abilities and work, but also in God's faithfulness. Know that it can and will work out. Your loan bills will be paid. You will get to six figures one day. We spend too much time stressing instead of truly resting. By resting I mean having peace by doing own part then handing it over to God.

This portion of your life right now, let's call it  PRE-EMPLOYMENT is exactly that. It's the PRELUDE for the best portion of your life. It's the calm before the storm, the preparation before the prize. It is not in vain, for it has a purpose. You cannot play piano without learning how to read sheet music. You have to learn every note and practice reading before you actually get to sit down and play. When you start playing, you won't be a star piano player, but the preparation and practice will help you. The more you prepare and learn, the better you will be at playing piano. 

Don't lose hope for God has a plan and it's perfect. The bible says its better that what we've dreamed and imagined. Rest in that today. 



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